Vanguard America now podcasting from Lincoln, NE

Vanguard America are splintering just as predicted in the fallout after James Fields rammed his car into the back of an anti-racist march in Charlottesville, Virginia, killing Heather Heyer and injuring 19 others.

James Alex Fields, Jr (left) standing in formation with Vanguard America, Charlottesville, VA, August 12, 2017

In the weeks that followed, the national organization desperately tore itself in multiple directions. They claimed to have no knowledge of Fields despite photos of him marching in formation dressed in the Chad Nationalist uniform and shield, then attempted to rebrand about once a week for 6 weeks, eventually splintering into two camps. Richard Spencer, in a post on AltRight dot com we will not link to directly, suggested dropping the swastikas in favor of the “Betsy Ross flag” because “the meaning is the same.” Spencer’s National Policy Institute has often enlisted Vanguard America as an auxiliary security force alongside his personal bodyguards. Patriot Front splintered from Vanguard America; the former taking Spencer’s optics advice, and the latter going all in with white power Celtic crosses and fasces.

Vanguard now has a podcast. It is being poorly recorded in a small off-campus apartment in Lincoln, Nebraska by UNL junior Daniel Kleve. In Charlottesville, Kleve was assigned to Baked Alaska’s security detail and is using that experience to tell himself he is a rising star in the alt-right.

In May 2017, Soundcloud deplatformed the alt-lite’s trust fund CHUD, Richard Spencer from using their service and certainly will not abide neo-Nazis using their platform to recruit. Click here to file a ticket for reporting a Terms of Service violation of hate speech. Copy/paste this when prompted

Daniel Kleve, Charlottesville, VA, August 12, 2017 (CNN)